Digital Bathroom Scale Displaying OMG Message

Before we begin with any technical talk, we first need to understand something – you need to begin by accepting who you are as a person. You might see all the models and celebrities out there with the “perfect bodies” and feel ashamed to look at yourself in the mirror or say that you will feel more confident once you look a certain way. That is not growth, that is only comparison that somehow has a way of making you fall short of your own expectations. What you need to do is to want the best for yourself and to give the best of yourself to feel the most fulfilled. In order to do all that, you would need to be full of prolonged energy that happens only when you lead a healthier lifestyle by adopting these tried and tested and scientifically proven methods that you can adopt in your daily life:

Sleep Regularly

The first important factor to beating obesity is to get adequate sleep. You may wonder what weight and sleep have to do with each other, but if you sleep less, the likelihood of you feeling lethargic during the day and reaching out to sugar-infused snacks to boost energy will increase. Also, because your body hasn’t rested enough and feels that it is being overworked, all the food you eat will mostly be stored as fat to preserve energy sources. When you sleep for a good 6-8 hours every night, you give your body the chance to rejuvenate.


It is highly recommended that you exercise on a daily basis, at least for half an hour. Yes, you may be a busy mother or you may be a hardworking businessman, but there are sneaky ways that you can get your share of exercise throughout the day. A workout doesn’t necessarily mean that you sweat for an hour in a gym. It simply means going through bursts of activity that will keep your muscles moving. Walking instead of driving, climbing instead of using the elevator, Short squats or leg lifts while waiting in the copying machine room, etc. will give you added benefits and help reduce serious diseases like coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes later on.

Eat Fresh

Millennials are slowly awakening to the reality that Nature has most of the answers to our health questions. Eating produce that is fresh and with minimal factory processing goes a long way for health, because the food you eat is directly being involved with the processes of your body. Some go a step further by eating only organic and going all vegan, but if you don’t want to be so extreme in the beginning, you can just include more fruits and salads in to your diet. Instead of a bag of chips, eat some seeds and nuts or a banana that will add to noticeable energy level increase during the day. It is recommended that you eat as such: breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper and snacking like a farmer. Eating majority of your daily in take in the morning will help in burning more calories as your day goes by. Eating less for dinner like a light soup or salad will help with more efficient digestion as you rest for the night.


Mindful eating is the norm these days and for good reason. Noticing what you are putting in your mouth and keeping a food journal in the initial days will help stabilize your diet. It is important that you indulge in balanced meals that contain all types of nutrients – vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, fibre, healthy fat, protein, etc. There are some fad diets that ask you to eat mostly protein-rich diets that help in one way, but will adversely affect you in another. A tip you can use is by having all possible colors on your plate – green, yellow, orange, red, blue, etc. By eating fresh and colorful, your body will work more efficiently in using nutrients for your body processes.

Do Something You Love

With the way society is moving, people usually just look for means to an end. Most of us work in jobs that we don’t even like because it pays the bills. That is understandable because God knows how many responsibilities you have to cover! But that doesn’t mean you behave like a pack mule, going from one burden to the next. It is vital that once a day for anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour or more you do something that you LOVE. There are many people who begin the day with meditation and/or yoga that they claim helps them beat daily stress. Maybe you are more of a hardcore metalhead who likes life LOUD and that is fine – you can spare some time in your day to specifically listen to your favorite music or paint a picture or go out and just sit under the stars – whatever floats your boat. It has been scientifically proven that when you indulge in something you like, the serotonin levels increase in your body and this elevates your mood, making you have a more positive outlook on life.

As you can see, a little goes a long way as long as you are moving in the right direction!

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