How Eating The Same Thing Every Day Is Useful


Most people usually eat the same thing on a regular basis – maybe you’re the coffee-and-toast couple kind, or the cereal bowl-and-OJ city single, throughout the day we tend to pick up our favourite salads and fast foods, and so the cycle goes on. We don’t tend to really think about what we’re putting in our mouths consciously. But what if you decided to pick a regular menu and stick with it, no second thought? Some of the biggest and most successful names like Mark Zuckerberg, the late Steve Jobs and so many others followed one dietary process – eat the same thing everyday, on purpose.

According to nutritionists, it’s fine to do just that. All you need to know is that what you consume daily is healthy, collectively contains your regular nutrition needs and follows the required food groups. For example, if you already follow a routine of eggs, salads, grills and such other fresh diets, saving time and eating the same menu everyday will do good for your health just as much as any shuffled routine. However, if you’re used to fast food and highly processed items, eating it on a regular basis is actually really bad for your health.

As said earlier, you tend to think a lot about your mealtimes throughout the day. Thinking about lunch after breakfast, thinking about dinner after lunch, thinking about breakfast after dinner and so on and so forth, takes a lot of our thought space. However, if you plan ahead and keep up the same menu for a week, a month and more, you will end up with more time to think about more important things – like your future and goal-setting.

Also, your body would appreciate a sort of dietary alarm clock and be prepared for certain meals at certain times. It doesn’t benefit the gut when you eat light one day and then hack the buffet table the next. When you keep things in a natural flow, a sort of chi, you end up feeling better and more active each day.