Your body is the most incredible natural machine in the entire universe. All the money in the world cannot replace it. If you went out today and purchased a Mercedes-Benz or a Porsche, no doubt you would polish it and fill it with the best gas, the best oil – treating it with the respect that such a fine machine deserves. The same thing goes for your body which is valuable above all else – you need to treat it as such. By giving your body the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to function at peak performance, you will find increased energy levels and also decreased risks of contracting a disease.

Listen To Your Body

Your incredible body is so sophisticated that it is programmed to signal you that it needs a nutrient or a vitamin that you haven’t supplied. These signals come in the form of cravings. Have you ever just had to have a glass of orange juice? Your body was telling your brain that it needed some more vitamin C. Cravings can come following a meal when the body realizes that, although it’s been fed, it still hasn’t received enough of the nutrients it expects. Too often, instead of discerning the craving properly, we simply fuel our bodies even more non-nutritious food. Therefore, the cravings return, and we respond once again with more junk food. The cycle becomes vicious, we get fatter and our bodies suffer for lack of real nutrition.

Natural Substances For You

Let’s explore some of these natural substances that can promote health and vitality as you defeat obesity in your life.

  • A good multivitamin – It’s important to be sure that you get a good supply of all the various vitamins your body needs, especially if it is depleted. Most multivitamins contain only twelve vitamins, and many of them lack vitamin K. When you purchase a vitamin supplement, be sure that it contains some vitamin K. You may want to choose a multivitamin you can take two-three times a day.
  • B-complex vitamins – To prevent our adrenal glands from becoming exhausted, we need to supplement our diets daily with a comprehensive multivitamin and mineral formula with adequate amounts of B-complex vitamins.
  • Ginseng – This natural herb has a way of working wonders with your body. It will help smoothen the functioning of the adrenal gland and help with beating stress.
  • Fiber – Another supplement that is very effective in promoting weight loss and stabilizing insulin levels is fiber. Naturally available fiber sources that you can include into your diet are oat bran and guar gum.

Use caution with supplements containing ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin

When we go to the health food store, we see shelves of supplements for weight loss. Remember to never supplement your daily food intake with tablets. Many of these over-the-counter supplements are thermogenic aids, that include ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. These products can cause high blood pressure and rapid heartbeats. Check with your doctor or any professional medical person for advice.

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