Simple Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Waistline

Close up of a slim beautiful waist with measuring tape.

Losing weight is not rocket scientist. With a little bit of discipline and focus in the right direction, along with a more conservative way of eating and living, you can attain the appropriate amount of weight in no time at all.

Most of us spend hours a day sitting at our desks at jobs we put all our efforts into. Because we eat and then just sit, all the fat gets stored in the stomach-waist-hip-thigh region majority of the time. We end up feeling bloated and because of this issue, we face other health problems like back ache, thigh chaffing and such other nuisances. So, here we give you Simple Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Waistline. Just inculcate them into your regular routine, and watch the edges of your waist slip away!


You may be wondering where this came from when it comes to losing weight. What’s the connection? Your mind is filled with thoughts throughout the day – 80% of the time they are negative, and the remaining 20% is you badgering yourself into a guilt trip about your waist size. By listening to hypnosis tapes on weight loss, you consciously absorb positive affirmations about weight loss and you will find that it helps in the short and long run. If people could quit smoking and other harmful habits due to hypnosis, you can definitely do so for weight loss.


While there are a lot of fitness YouTube channels and other avenues that encourage a smoothie for breakfast or between meals, the better choice would be to swap juices for solids. Why? Because solids contain many more nutrients and fibers that help with weight loss, rather than juice which is filled with sugars, be they natural. It is easier for fat to burn when eating a fruit rather that to burn off the excess sugars in your system with fruit juices.


You may have heard the skinniest celebrities brag that they eat all day and yet are so fit. How come? That’s because they divide their meals into smaller portions throughout the day. Some even eat after every 2 hours. The trick is in the size – when you eat access food at one go, your stomach can only digest a limited amount of food, which means that the remaining is stored in the form of fat. By dividing meals, you can allow your metabolism to go in high gear.


Have you ever seen a fat Frenchman? Walk down the streets of Paris and you will come across individuals who look prepared for the runway. Apart from their couture attire, they also have figures that are inspiring – that’s because the French know how to enjoy life the right way. Like many of their activities, they are slow when they eat. In fact, in some parts of Europe, offices are shut for 3-4 hours a day because the working class need spare time to enjoy their meal. So, instead of wolfing down something, bite into small pieces and savor the flavor, chewing at least 15-20 times before swallowing.


With devices like FitBit hitting the market, many people have starting monitoring their health and fitness. You don’t need to spend money or be as fanatical about your weight loss regime – all you need to do is take snaps every week, along with measuring your weight and keeping a record. For slimming your waistline, you can even measure the inches you put off every week. Keeping a track will help you focus and continue on your journey to success.