So you may be the kind of person who believes that you are healthy and have no risks for any diseases or ailments because you do not indulge in any of the “bad” habits that others have – smoking, drinking, drugs, etc. You are hardworking and that means that you earn good money to support your family and have major plans for the future after all the hours you’ve put in for climbing the career ladder. This is wonderful with regard to your finances, but do you know the health hazards all this pressure is putting on you? Welcome to the the new millennium’s secret epidemic that will have adverse effects in the future when you cannot turn the clock back and have to face the consequences of this disease called The Sedentary Lifestyle.

Usually associated with being lazy and a couch potato, the sedentary way of living is catching on with majority of working class people. Let’s break it down:

You wake up in the morning almost always a little later than you should have because of the Snooze Button game you keep playing. The first thing you do is drink a hot cup of coffee without first eating anything, and even if you do, it is usually a carb-laden bagel or an empty-calorie bowl of cereal. After getting ready, you rush out of the house and into your car and make a stopover at a local coffee shop for another mocha venti. Once you reach work, you take the elevator, then sit in your chair and begin the daily grind or sorting through a pile of papers that never reduce. When the stress of the day kicks in, so does your craving for a sugary snack that you think will boost your mood and energy level. Hence, you reach for your drawer of hidden supplies and munch on. Without realizing the ticking clock, around 5 hours later you finally decide to order lunch and prefer eating it at your desk because it “saves time” rather than all your other work-shirking colleagues to saunter into the cafeteria or go out in the break. By evening, you feel your eyelids getting droopy so you grab another coffee or open another seductive bag of processed snacks. Once you are done for the day, you get up, use the elevator, go to your car, drive home and crash into the comfort of your couch in front of the television with a friendly tub of ice cream or another packet of fat while you watch the dramatic Kardashians live a lifestyle you could only hope for. Finally, you may eat some dinner and crash off to sleep, but not before Netflix has you captivated with a new series you just have to watch that precariously crawls into your sleep time. The next morning, with less sleep than you should have got, you begin the grind again.

Does this describe your day in any way? Take a closer look. Was there any exercise you indulged in, apart from the short walks to the bathroom or the copy machine? Were there any balanced meals that included all the necessary nutrients you could have had? What about water – did you avoid drinking more than a bottle to avoid trips to the nasty common toilet? Did you do anything for your short-term and long-term health?

This is the epidemic of The Sedentary Lifestyle because people are so caught up in trying to beat the competition to a salary hike or promotion that in the bargain you have hurt your health. When all is said and done, you have your own body that you are going to be with till the day you die.

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